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Service-learning in Higher Education for Ukraine’s Recovery

The wider objective of the project is to enhance the synergy between Ukrainian universities and local territorial communities in the recovery of Ukraine through the implementation of Service-learning education, considering the needs of local territorial communities and developing  students’ citizenship competences in the wartime and postwar period.


Project tasks and deliverables are grouped in 6 work packages. Leadership of work packages is distributed among partners.
All partners are participating in all WPs.


The ServU project envisions a partnership of 3 Ukrainian Universities as well as three international partners. .

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The ServU project aims to enhance synergy between Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) and local territorial
communities to jointly contribute to the recovery of Ukraine through the implementation of Service-learning education.


The ServU project envisions a partnership of 3 Ukrainian Universities as well as three international partners. The consortium is composed of EU leaders in the field of Service-learning (SL) in Catholic Higher Education Institutions (CHEIs). The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is the coordinator of the ServU project, and the beneficiaries of the consortium are Sumy State University (SumDU) (Sumy, Ukraine), and Dnipro University of Technology (Dnipro, Ukraine), the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KUEI) (Eichstätt, Germany), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) (Leuven, Belgium), , Libera Università degli Studi Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma (LUMSA) (Rome, Italy). The consortium covers pre-defined regional priorities that are published on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP).

The associated partners are: EBS Business School (Germany), the European Association of Service-learning in Higher Education (EASLHE), the European Observatory, Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (CLAYSS, Buenos-Aires, Argentina) with the Uniservitate project, the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Higher Education, Lviv Regional Military Administration, Chervonograd Local Territorial Community of Lviv oblast, Koziv Local Territorial Community of Ternopil oblast, Sumy Regional Military Administration, Sumy City Council, Shostka Urban Territorial Community of Sumy oblast, Dnipro Regional Military Administration, Chumaky Rural Territorial Community of Dnipro oblast, Pidhorodne Urban Territorial Community of Dnipro oblast, and the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP).


The Ukrainian partners represent three regions facing various issues resulting from the war: internally displaced people, liberated territories, and territories whose physical and social infrastructure have been massively destroyed.


“University education should give young people a sense that they are part of a great mission to change the world. This commitment to service can be fostered not only through volunteering in their free time, but also through the academic disciplines themselves, with built-in project activities in and with the community. This is a good way to make students realize that their studies are relevant and meaningful in times of war.”

Rector of UCU

Taras Dobko

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